Honorary members
The Society may elect honorary members from their own ranks or individuals whose service to Obstetrics and Gynaecology merit recognition. Nominations for such members must be submitted to the Council and supported by at least four members of the Society. Nominations must be accompanied by a written substantiating citation. Honorary members shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of membership, excluding voting rights.
Ordinary members:
The following shall be eligible for ordinary membership:
- Obstetricians and Gynaecologists registered with the Health Professions Council of SA and residing in South Africa and Namibia.
The rights and privileges of ordinary membership, including voting rights, shall be confined to members in good standing.
Associate members:
The following shall be eligible for associate membership:
- Any medical practitioner working in the field of Obstetrics and Gynaecology may apply for associate membership.
- All registrars in training.
The rights and privileges of associate membership shall be confined to members in good standing but without voting rights.
Registrars do not pay fees, but other associate members do.
Retired members:
The following shall be eligible for retired membership:
- Members who are in good standing and have reached the age of 70 or more and members who retire from all active Obstetric and Gynaecological practice may become retired members. Such retired members shall not pay any subscriptions and will have no voting rights.
Termination of membership
Membership may be terminated by resignation or at a general meeting of the Society by the decision of not less than two-thirds of the members present at the meeting.
A member who has not paid the monthly subscription for a period of 6 months or longer or alternatively the annual subscription for a period of 6 months or longer after the rendering of the first account may have his/her membership terminated and shall not be elected to Council or represent SASOG.