Month: May 2020


SASOG wishes to express its support in principle for collaboration between academia and government, utmost mutual respect between professionals and the freedom to express one’s opinion without fear of humiliation or censure.

A Covid-19 Update on safety and sustainability as applied to our specialty

The development and fast spread of the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, has totally changed the world and particularly…

BetterOBS Newsletter May 2020

Dear Colleagues BetterObs Management Committee had a Zoom meeting on 10 April 2020 and wants to keep…

International Nurses Day 11 May

Thank you to all those nurses helping to keep mother and baby safe during childbirth and beyond….

Podcast on what we need to know about COVID-19 and pregnancy

Prof. Priya Soma-Pillay shares what we  you need to know about COVID19 and pregnancy Pregnancy is a…

COVID-19 Maternal and newborn care guidelines

The National Department of Health has approved these guidelines for distribution. They have also been endorsed by
the National Committee for Confidential Enquiry into Maternal
Deaths (NCCEMD), the National Perinatal Mortality and Morbidity Committee (NaPeMMCo),
the South African Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologist (SASOG), the Society of
Midwives of South Africa (SOMSA) and the South African Society of Anaesthesiologists