About BetterObs™
SASOG have devised the BetterOBS™ program with the intention of promoting safer deliveries, healthier babies, better outcomes all round and consequently decreased opportunities for litigation.
The BetterOBS™ program consists of 4 pillars.
- All deliveries (NVD’s & CS’s) should have a signed (Obstetrician, Patient and witness) consent form filed in the patient’s file (Dr and hospital files) (see the consent form on the BetterObs App).
- All deliveries should have a cord pH done and documented in the file and hospital delivery register (see the patient delivery form on the BetterObs App).
- All deliveries should have an appropriate delivery report in the patient file (see the patient delivery report on the SASOG App or the SASOG delivery form).
- All hospitals (along with the Lead Obstetricians) should ensure 2 monthly M&M meetings take place and appropriate notes kept (and M&M meeting logged on the SASOG App).
The purpose of these 4 pillars is to reduce Medico Legal responsibilities for all parties to the minimum. BetterObs will continue to communicate with the Hospital Groups to ensure adherence to these safe delivery issues. All Hospital Group Clinical managers have committed their support to these efforts.
A Lead Obstetrician is appointed in each hospital as the champion of the program in each hospital (along with the Hospital manager) and will also be responsible to lead/delegate the teaching sessions for the nursing staff in each hospital.
Protocols and Guidelines have been introduced to the labour wards for staff and medical practitioners to follow.
The Obstetric Handbook (written by Prof Priya Soma - Pillay) is being purchased by the hospital groups and handed to each Obstetrician This book should also be made available to the nursing staff.
The M&M Meetings held every 2 months, is a self peer review process involving all involved in maternity.
BetterObs™ Committee | |
Project Head | Dr Johannes Van Waart |
National Lead Obstetricians | Dr Johannes Van Waart, Dr Sagie Naidu, Prof Priya Soma-Pillay, Dr JP Du Buisson |
Scientific Committee | Prof Lutgart Geerts (Chair), Dr Johannes van Waart, Prof Priya Soma Pillay, Dr Lou Pistorius, Dr Conrad Mashiloane |
Committee | Dr Malikah van der Schyff, Dr Clayton Grieve, Prof Ismail Bhorat, Dr Reinarda van Waart, Prof Bash Goolab, Dr Miems Kleynhans, Prof Leon Snyman, Dr Simon. Strachan (PMG) |
BetterObs documents have been developed by interdisciplinary healthcare teams utilising the best available evidence and resources believed to be accurate and current at the time of release. They are intended to provide general advice and guidance on which to base clinical decisions. SASOG takes no responsibility for matters arising from changed circumstances or information that may have become available after issued. They must not be solely relied on or used as a substitute for assessing the individual needs of each patient.