Antenatal Guidelines
Preconception Counselling
Risk Assessment in Pregnancy
Vaccinations in Pregnancy
Iron Deficiency Anaemia in Pregnancy
Prenatal Tests
Reasonable Options for T21 Screening
Ultrasonography Screening in Pregnancy
Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy
Rh Disease and Alloimmunisation
Placenta Accreta Spectrum Disorders
Reduced foetal movements
Intrauterine foetal death
Diabetes in Pregnancy
HIV in Pregnancy
Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy
Severe PET/Imminent Eclampsia Flowchart
Magnesium Sulphate for Eclampsia
Abdominal Trauma in Pregnancy
Thromboprophylaxis in Obstetrics
Pulmonary Embolism Diagnosis and Management
Mode of Delivery based on Patient Preference
BetterObs documents have been developed by interdisciplinary healthcare teams utilising the best available evidence and resources believed to be accurate and current at the time of release. They are intended to provide general advice and guidance on which to base clinical decisions. SASOG takes no responsibility for matters arising from changed circumstances or information that may have become available after issued. They must not be solely relied on or used as a substitute for assessing the individual needs of each patient.